What Makes a Good Brochure Design

green, white and orange printed brochures
A good brochure needs to be designed so that it catches the eye. Whether it is to be a tool for information or for marketing purposes, it has to stand out and contain a great deal of information. Various templates can be followed to help you with the design, though there are plenty of things that you should know before sending a brochure off for printing.

The Elements of a Good Brochure Design

Brochures can vary in size and content. Regardless of why it is that you’re producing a brochure, there are some elements to consider.

The Purpose

What are you hoping to achieve by creating a brochure? Many individuals and companies feel they need one because it is a popular print marketing tool. However, before you can begin designing the tool, you need to make your objectives clear. Common objectives for a brochure include:
  • Educating
  • Marketing
  • Sharing statistics
  • Introducing a product line
Additionally, you’ll want to review whether the brochures are being distributed by hand or by mail as that will impact the overall layout.

The Copy

From headlines to the statements made throughout the brochure, they have to be bold and captivating. Too many lines of copy can be a burden. Too little and the message may be confused. Although you want to look at the design of a brochure as a whole, the copy has to be carefully considered, written, and proofed to achieve the results that you desire.

The Graphics

Graphics should be used as a way to add liveliness to the brochure while also breaking up the monotony of copy. Stock images may be used, though the goal should be to choose ones that don’t look like stock photos. All graphics used in a brochure should be of the highest resolution. Photos of products should be carefully rearranged – and it can be advantageous to familiarize yourself with photo setups to get the best results possible.